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The online visitors’ attention span has dropped since Google came and changed the rules of the game and eCommerce. Now, with millions of results available for any subject one might search online, the number of windows to catch the visitor’s attention has significantly decreased. Imagine you are surfing the Internet, do you get carried away from what you are looking for to read a text, watch the images and understand what that page is actually about? It’s highly possible that the answer is a straight “no”. With information coming at us from all sides, we have become spoiled in terms of making choices, failing to pay enough attention to what a web page tells us.

We quickly take the decision to enter a website or not, relying on what we can see in the first (mili)seconds. Launching a first good impression for the visitors and potential customers of your website depends on the web interface created by you and your designer. Given that chances to convince a visitor are slim, lots of web designs are not optimal because your designer only thinks about aesthetics. Most websites are not created to impress visitors, but yours, developed by the Media First professionals, will impress to a greater extent AND generate sales.